Former Federal Tax Prosecutor Richard G. Stack Joins Wilson Tax Law Group

Tax Litigation, Civil and Criminal Tax Defense

Richard G. Stack is the newest member of Wilson Tax Law Group.

Richard G. Stack is senior trial counsel with Wilson Tax Law Group.  He represents clients in civil and criminal tax cases, including civil audits and appeals, tax collection matters, criminal investigations, administrative hearings and in civil and criminal trials and appeals in federal and state courts.

Prior to joining private practice, Mr. Stack served for approximately 23 years at the government as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Tax Division of the US Attorney's Office in Los Angeles, and before that, as an trial attorney for the IRS, Office of Chief Counsel, where he represented the United States in a broad array of matters, such as captive insurance companies, tax shelters, tax evasion, unreported income, partnership tax, trust fund recovery penalty, collection matters, and various penalties such as the civil fraud penalty.

He is the recipient of the Special Achievement for Sustained Superior Performance of Duty Award from the US Department of Justice and the Outstanding Support and Invaluable Assistance Award from the IRS, Criminal Division.

Mr. Stack has litigated over 1000 tax cases in federal courts.  His unique combination of criminal and substantive tax experience allows him to level the playing field for his clients.

Please join us in welcoming Mr. Stack to the Wilson Tax Law Group family.

Newport Beach Main Office
1401 Dove Street Suite 630
Newport Beach, CA 92660

Yorba Linda Branch Office
18281 Lemon Drive
Yorba Linda, CA 92886

By Appointment Only
949.397.2292 (Newport Beach Office Phone)
714.436.4430 (Yorba Linda Office Phone)


Wilson Tax Law Receives Golden Globe Awards 2019 - Federal Tax Law Firm of the Year - USA

Wilson Tax Law is pleased to announce our firm has been selected as Federal Tax Law Firm of the Year - USA by the Worldwide Financial Advisor Awards Magazine Golden Globe Awards 2019.

The Worldwide Financial Advisor Awards Magazine Golden Globe Awards recognize a select number of leading professional firms, across the globe, for their individual areas of specialization, within their geographical location.

California Tax Interest Rates Sky Rocket

For taxes administered by the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration, the interest rates between July 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019, are:

  • The debit rate for deficiencies or underpayments is 9%; and
  • The credit rate for refunds or overpayments is 2%.

  • The interest rate seems extremely high for even California tax authorities. The Federal interest rate on deficiencies and underpayment is currently 6%. California CDTFA is 3% more than the Federal interest rate.

    Contact Joseph P. Wilson at 949-397-2292 or  Mr. Wilson represents clients throughout California and the Globe, involving local, state, federal and international civil tax disputes and tax litigation and criminal tax defense. Mr. Wilson is the Managing Shareholder at Wilson Tax Law Group, APLC, former Member of the Executive Committee of the Taxation Section, California Lawyers’ Association, a former IRS Attorney, a former Assistant United States Attorney, and a former Tax Attorney, California Franchise Tax Board.

2019 California Property Tax Appeal Deadlines - Updated

The regular appeals filing periods for 2019 for California county property tax assessments have been certified. The regular appeals filing periods will begin on July 2 and end on either:

  • September 16; or
  • December 2.

The end date a county uses depends on whether the county assessor mails assessment notices by August 1 to all taxpayers with property on the secured roll. See Letter to County Assessors, No. 2019/015, California State Board of Equalization, May 31, 2019

Contact Joseph P. Wilson at 949-397-2292 or  Mr. Wilson represents clients throughout California and the Globe, involving local, state, federal and international civil tax disputes and tax litigation and criminal tax defense. Mr. Wilson is the Managing Shareholder at Wilson Tax Law Group, APLC, former Member of the Executive Committee of the Taxation Section, California Lawyers’ Association, a former IRS Attorney, a former Assistant United States Attorney, and a former Tax Attorney, California Franchise Tax Board.

2018 IRS Assessed $29.3 Billion in Civil Tax Penalties

Failure to comply with filing, reporting, and payment requirements may result in civil penalties or, in some cases, criminal investigation, which may in turn lead to prosecution, fines, and imprisonment. IRS’s Collection function collects Federal taxes that have been reported or assessed but not paid and secures tax returns that have not been filed. IRS’s Criminal Investigation function conducts investigations of alleged criminal violations of the tax code and related financial statutes.

In Fiscal Year (FY) 2018, the IRS collected more than $55.5 billion in unpaid assessments on returns filed with additional tax due, netting more than $40.6 billion after credit transfers.

The IRS assessed close to $29.3 billion in civil penalties. Almost $12.0 billion was assessed in civil penalties on individual and estate and trust income tax returns.

In FY 2018, the IRS initiated 2,886 criminal investigations in three areas—legal source tax crimes, illegal source financial crimes, and narcotics-related financial crimes. The IRS completed 3,051 investigations in these areas.

Contact Joseph P. Wilson at 949-397-2292 or  
Mr. Wilson represents clients throughout California and the Globe, involving local, state, federal and international civil tax disputes and tax litigation and criminal tax defense. Mr. Wilson is the Managing Shareholder at Wilson Tax Law Group, APLC, former Member of the Executive Committee of the Taxation Section, California Lawyers’ Association, a former IRS Attorney, a former Assistant United States Attorney, and a former Tax Attorney, California Franchise Tax Board. 

Senate Finance Committee Begins Investigation of Abusive Conservation Easement Appraisals

The Senate Finance Committee Chair and Ranking Member announced here that they have started The Senate Finance Committee Chair and Ranking Member announced here that they have started
an investigation into the potential abuse of syndicated conservation easement transactions, which may have allowed some taxpayers to profit from gaming the tax code and deprived the federal government of billions of dollars in revenue. For several years now, the IRS has been investigating these transactions.

They appear to involve promoters selling interests in tracts of land to taxpayers looking for large tax deductions. In such an arrangement, the taxpayers then get inflated appraisals of those tracts of land and grant conservation easements on that land. The resulting inflated charitable deductions are then split among the taxpayers."

The SFC sent letters to 14 "individuals who appear to be associated with these investor groups that might have unfairly profited from conservation easements."  The names are listed on the press release.

If you have a tax issue, contact Wilson Tax Law 949-397-2292.

Considerations for Selecting Your Tax Attorney

If you have been contacted by the IRS or a local tax authority, it might be time to consider legal representation of a trusted tax attorney ...