US District Court Activates COVID-19 Operations Plan

Wilson Tax Law Group

Newport Beach, CA

Monday, March 23, 2020

US District Court For Central District of California issued the following COVID-19 NOTICE:

The United States District Court for the Central District of California has activated its Continuity of Operations Plan (“COOP”), effective March 23, 2020 through and including May 1, 2020 necessary to ensure the continuous performance of essential functions and operations of the Court in light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The Court is taking the following actions to limit social interactions in its courthouses:

Access to the Courthouses

All of the Courthouses of the Central District of California will be closed to the public except for hearings on criminal duty matters, as indicated below.

All federal Pro Se Clinics in the district are closed.

Court Hearings

In civil cases, no hearings will go forward except for emergency time-sensitive matters, such as requests for temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions, as ordered by the assigned judicial officer. Any hearings on emergency civil matters will proceed telephonically only.

In criminal cases, criminal duty matters will go forward in the Edward R. Roybal Building and United States Courthouse in Los Angeles only. Telephonic hearings on other criminal matters may proceed as directed by the assigned judicial officer.

Filing Information

The intake sections in each courthouse will be closed to the public. To post a bond or submit an emergency, time-sensitive filing such as a temporary restraining order, call the following telephone numbers:

Los Angeles – (213) 894-8288

Riverside – (951) 328-4450

Santa Ana – (714) 338-3958 or (714) 338-4760

All criminal duty matters handled by a district judge shall be filed in the appropriate division.

All magistrate judge criminal bench duty matters shall be filed in the Edward R. Roybal Building and United States Courthouse in Los Angeles.

All criminal document duty matters handled by a magistrate judge shall be filed electronically.

For all other intake and records questions, call the following telephone numbers:

Los Angeles Civil Intake – (213) 894-3535

Los Angeles Criminal Intake – (213) 894-8288

Riverside Civil and Criminal Intake – (951) 328-4450

Santa Ana Civil Intake – (714) 338-2886

Santa Ana Criminal Intake – (714) 338-4786

Archival records requests are suspended because the Federal Records Center is closed.

The court’s CM/ECF system is available 24/7 for electronic filing of documents.

Unrepresented litigants who cannot electronically file their documents and attorneys who are required to manually file documents pursuant to the local rules must mail their filings to the Clerk of Court at 225 E. Temple Street, Suite TS-134, Los Angeles, CA 90012-3332.

Non-paper physical exhibits or other exhibits exempted from electronically filing shall be sent via U.S. Mail or other commercial delivery to the Clerk of Court at the above address.

Mandatory Chambers Copies

Until further notice, all district judges and magistrate judges do not require mandatory chambers copies during the pandemic.

Any judge can require a chambers copy in a particular case if desired. The chambers copy shall be mailed to the judge via Fed Ex. Chambers copy cannot be hand-delivered to the courthouse.

Updates and other adjustments will be provided as more information becomes available.

Please contact the former IRS Attorneys at Wilson Tax Law Group regarding any legal tax issues.

Newport Beach Main Office

1401 Dove Street Suite 630

Newport Beach, CA 92660

Yorba Linda Branch Office

18281 Lemon Drive

Yorba Linda, CA 92886

By Appointment Only

949.397.2292 (Newport Beach Office Phone)

714.436.4430 (Yorba Linda Office Phone)


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